North Notts: MP says people need to look at reducing their sugar intake

Stock image for Sugar and pop - obesity related storyStock image for Sugar and pop - obesity related story
Stock image for Sugar and pop - obesity related story
North Notts MP, Graham Allen, says the Government has repeatedly ignored warnings on sugar and have listened to industry vested interests rather than independent experts.

Graham Allen said: “This is especially topical for my constituency as, according to recent numbers published by the Nottingham City Council, up to 30 per cent of children living in Nottingham North are overweight and an average child currently consumes three times the maximum recommended amount of sugar. Lower sugar intake would help to tackle the obesity epidemic which is especially bad in the most deprived areas such as my constituency Nottingham North.

“This ties in with Nottingham’s rebalancing the outer estates campaign where every three-year-old should take up the free dental check. Therefore I urge the Government to do more to reduce the intake of sugar.

“Indeed, the latest report by the government’s advisory committee on nutrition showed that there is a pressing need for cutting the amount of sugar in people’s diet.”